Visionaries and Voices, Cincinnati Ohio
Double Vision
These pieces illustrate collaborative projects between McGarry and an artist from Visionaries and Voices in 2016 and 2017 for the exhibition titled, "Double Vision"
The exhibition culminates in a live auction as a fundraising event.

"Home," 2016
Sculptural wall artwork, mixed media
Approx. 20x 15 in.

"Home 2," 2017
Mixed media on canvas
30x24 in.
People Working Cooperatively, Cincinnati Ohio
Toolbelt Ball
This work, based on a proposal design, was selected for inclusion in the 2017 call for artists to create works based on the theme of "home" for an auction and fundraiser at the Toolbelt Ball, March 2017. Each artist selected was given a door to crate a work of art of their own design and creative process.
Title: Sighting Lines
Artist Statement:
Location, place/space are themes that filter through my creative works. The notion of home is one of malleable form: one that moves, shifts and relocates within the site of the dweller/owner of the space. Dwellers leave visual evidence as traces or tracks, revealing a provenance of a site once, or still, inhabited. Since doors offer passage between rooms or spaces, this work suggests a shifting potential narrative of the door as an idea of the self as a dwelling site.
Specific materials figure prominently throughout my work: dress pattern paper, thread, maps, collage in 2D and 3D formats. These materials encompass a language for reading the work and facilitate an entry toward interpretation of the unfolding visual narrative. Maps, collage, and sewing suggest a history of a possible past or potential future, and the spaces removed from the actual door, reveal a temporal element of the spaces in-between.